For Friends and Family

$ 19
99 Per Month
  • Our Heroic package is for non-professionals such as parents, guardians, teachers, students, and peer advocates who want to learn about Geek Therapy to improve themselves or others they care for. This package doesn’t include any live training, and completing courses do not count towards any continuing education credits or certification as a Geek Specialist and Geek Therapist.
  • 45 hours of videos (with more added constantly).

For Professionals Starting
Geek Therapy

$ 49
99 Per Month
  • Our Legendary package is for mental health professionals such as psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, and mental health experts who want to learn how to use Geek Therapy topics in practice to improve the lives of their patients. This package is also for professional gamers who want to learn Geek Therapy to take gaming performance to the next level. Our Legendary package will give you the opportunity to become either a Certified Geek Specialist or a Certified Geek Therapist.
  • Over 45 hours of on demand video courses that are APA and NBCC approved for continuing education credits.
  • Access to an exclusive Facebook training group
  • First Cultural competency exam fee waived ($99.99 value)
  • A Business listing in the Geek Therapist Directory

For Professionally Certified Therapists
(Exclusive Access)

$ 89
99 Per Month
  • Our Mythic package is for mental health professionals such as psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, and mental health experts who want to learn how to use Geek Therapy topics in practice to improve the lives of their patients. This package is also for professional gamers who want to learn Geek Therapy to take gaming performance to the next level. Our Mythic package will also allow you to become either a Certified Geek Specialist or a Certified Geek Therapist.
  • Over 45 hours of on demand video courses that are APA and NBCC approved for continuing education credits.
  • Access to an exclusive Facebook training group
  • First Cultural competency exam fee waived ($99.99 value)
  • Business listing in the Geek Therapist Directory
  • Access to LIVE monthly trainings (Minimum 20 a year)
  • 50% off Certified Geek Specialist or Certified Geek Therapist exam fee ($199.99 value)
  • Monthly 30 minute Q&A group video chat with Geek Therapeutics Founder Dr. Anthony Bean, Ph D.

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