Certified Geek Therapist® Training
The Certified Geek Therapist® Program is perfect for any licensed practitioner wanting to utilize the concepts of Geek Therapy in their lives.

Plans & Pricing
Payment Plan
Access To The Certified as a Geek Therapist Program For One Year
All Certification Exams for Free ($400 Value)
40+ Hours of Continuing Education Courses ($1500 Value)
Cultural Competency In Geek Therapy ($800 Value)
12 Consultations With A Certified Geek Therapist Included!
Access To Geek Therapist Community With Over 500 Therapists ($1000 Value)
Business Listing In The Geek Therapist Directory ($300/Year Value)
One Time Payment
Save 17% ($300 Value) With Yearly Access to the Program
Access To The Certified as a Geek Therapist Program For One Year
All Certification Exams for Free ($400 Value)
40+ Hours of Continuing Education Courses ($1500 Value)
Cultural Competency In Geek Therapy ($800 Value)
12 Consultations With A Certified Geek Therapist Included!
Access To Geek Therapist Community With Over 500 Therapists ($1000 Value)
Business Listing In The Geek Therapist Directory ($300/Year Value)
How do I become a Certified Geek Therapist®?
A Certified Geek Therapist helps you as the professional meet the client where they are at. By utilizing these specially curated training and cultural artifacts, you are able to help your clients with change, progress, and becoming better versions of themselves. By being trained in this type of therapy using role playing, fantasy, fandoms, and personal identities you are able to establish connection, encourage interaction, demonstrate analogous real-life experiences, and to facilitate personal and intrinsic growth for your clients through a geek centric cultural lens.
*If not completed in one year, trainee has to restart the program due to changing competencies, coursework, and trainings.
7 Reasons Why You Need To Become A Certified Geek Therapist®
Geek culture is a form of mythology designed to be engaging, entertaining, and educational. In Geek Therapy, we utilize geek culture as a mythological artifact, meaning we separate it from itself and examine it as a cultural item. Take the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), for example: ten years of interesting characters and engaging storylines weaving together to create a giant mythology (a mythology that borrows from other mythologies, like Thor and Loki from the Norse). When we look at this mythology from a mythological studies perspective, we can separate out the lessons it portrays: friendship, resiliency, family connections, saving the world, becoming a personal hero, dealing with loss, grief, depression…the lessons buried in these action-packed films can connect in a multitude of ways to teach important life lessons. And these lessons are delivered through characters with whom your client feels connected. Becoming a Certified Geek Therapist teaches you how to build these connections, evidence based interventions, and grow your practice with clients who will thrive.
The underlying thread between all these busted myths is simple: when we can speak geek, we get a clearer picture of the culture. We do not need to become an expert geek ourselves, but we can pick up enough of the language to understand its natural ebbs and flows. We can create an opportunity for our clients to teach us the language. When we explore geek culture with our clients, they can show us it is not all bad, and engaging with it benefits everyone. Learning how to use these evidence based interventions through Certified Geek Therapist training is key to client’s transformational growth.
Every geek culture artifact has a mythology to frame it. Most things in our world are influenced by mythology, too. The ethos of mythology is everywhere. It can be found in religion, social standards, family dynamics, games, school, work, play… all were created out of lessons from one mythology or another.
Mythology from comic books, video games, and roleplaying games are exaggerated versions of our society’s personal mythologies. Different games and subcultures engage in mythology in different ways: video games have you act as a hero in someone else’s virtual mythology, anime shows a cast of characters making tough decisions in their own mythology via relatable, personal journeys, and Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) campaigns use a wide variety of mythologies to create a new one based on the players’ choices. When we consume mythologies from different mediums, they expand and influence our morals. Engaging in the same mythology as our clients helps Geek Therapists understand their clients’ motivations, hesitancies, and values better.
They start to understand the cause-and-effect relationships: their daily chores might feel daunting and counterproductive to their overall journey, but Iron Man does not conduct business from a messy Avengers Tower! If he did not take time to clean up after himself, he would never find his suit in time to save the world. There is some magic in the act of playing the hero, so why not extend the same magic into the real world? The trainings at Geek Therapeutics helps you bring these real time interventions into your therapy room enhancing your clinical abilities, client growth, and personal well-being.
Other forms of therapy use similar techniques: art therapy involves studying symbols and visual cues, and relating them to human experience. We are simply switching a bowl of fruit for dungeon treasure and extrapolating its relationship with our lives, creating permeating changes. And everything we do is evidence based so you can be sure to know you will have the most recent interventions for your practice.
Geek Therapy encompasses many paradigms of thought, intellectual curiosities, and specialized interests outside of “normal” social conformity. This can range from well-known areas like video games, comic cons, and TV shows to the less well-known topics of board games and verbose fantasy novels. There are clinicians who use these geek cultural artifacts to promote social normalcy, community, reduce anxiety and depression, and help clients understand who they are through their interests.
The obstacle could be a sleeping Snorlax in the road we must move or go around, or it could be a more complex problem we cannot overcome without a
new skill. In Kingdom Hearts, the main character, Sora, travels past dozens of treasure chests he cannot access until he learns the skill “Glide” from Tinker Bell in Neverland. We can take these obstacles and look at them in real-life from a mythological standpoint.
“I understand your fight with your parents was really upsetting for you. I wonder, what do you think we need to overcome this obstacle? Is there a skill we must learn before we try talking to them about it again?”
Geek Therapists practice some appropriate skills to help them grow. We acknowledge the obstacle, think critically, and overcome it – Geek Therapeutics is there to help you learn and grow with your clients.
Geek Therapeutics is Approved by the below organizations for Continuing Education Credits

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