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The Psychology of Demon Slayer
The Geek Psychology series, dedicated to exploring the intricate intersection of pop culture and psychology, is thrilled to announce its next installment: “The Psychology of Demon Slayer.” This groundbreaking series delves into the psychological depths of beloved geek culture phenomena, unraveling the complexities that captivate audiences worldwide. We invite scholars, psychologists, and enthusiasts to contribute abstracts that analyze and dissect the psychological elements within the Demon Slayer universe.
Submission Guidelines: We invite scholars, psychologists, and enthusiasts to contribute abstracts that analyze and dissect the psychological elements within the Demon Slayer universe.
Themes of Interest:
- Resilience and Trauma
- Coping Mechanisms and Mental Health
- Morality and Ethical Dilemmas
- Interpersonal Relationships and Bonds
- Fear and Anxiety
- Cultural Influences on the Demon Slayer Universe
- The Emotional Impact of Key Moments in Demon Slayer
- Identity and Self-Discovery in Demon Slayer Characters
- Submissions for additional themes welcome
Submission Guidelines:
1. Submission deadline for abstracts (350-500 words) : June 1st, 2024.
2. Please clearly state the theme your abstract addresses, highlight the significance of your proposed exploration, and showcase the potential impact on the understanding of the Psychology within Demon Slayer.
3. Submission deadline for drafts of accepted papers: September 30th, 2024.
Kindly submit by e-mail (with or without Word attachment) to with the subject line “Geek Psychology Series: Demon Slayer Abstract Submission – [Your Name].
Submissions are suggested early as topics are accepted as they are submitted.
Projects we are always looking for Collaborators

Peer Reviewed Research Topics on Geek Culture in Therapy
1. Examining the Effects of Incorporating Geek Culture in Therapy Sessions for Youth/Adolescents
2. Investigating Changes in Mental Health Outcomes of Therapeutic Interventions Using TTRPG’s
3. Exploring Strategies for Working with pop culture to Create Positive Therapeutic Outcomes
4. Analyzing the Impact of Geek Culture on the Treatment of Patients with Anxiety Disorders
5. Assessing the Benefits of Integrating TTRPG’s in the Treatment of PTSD
6. Investigating the Effectiveness of video games in Behavioral Therapy
7. Examining the Long–Term Outcomes of Geek Culture–Based Mental Health Interventions
8. Comparing Psychological Theory with Geekdom to Treat Depressive Symptoms
9. Assessing the Role of Geek Culture and Community in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
10. Evaluating the Use of TTRPG’s in Enhancing Emotional Regulation Skills