I Am Iron Man: A Psychological Look at Tony Stark, Iron Man, and Therapy

This training will look to provide an outline and analysis of major mental health themes with Tony Stark within the MCU.

About this Event

Upon completion of this training, the individual is awarded one (1) APA/NBCC CE Hour of Completion.

Genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist. “Iron Man” was our first look into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Tony Stark has remained a central figure throughout the entire franchise. However, on his road to heroism throughout the movies, Tony Stark faced a number of deeply-personal psychological conflicts and serious mental health crises. This training will look to provide an outline and analysis of major mental health themes with Tony Stark within the MCU and evaluate their general accuracy. In addition to this, we will discuss the practical therapeutic implications of Tony Stark/Iron Man and how one may integrate themes of the character into a mental health setting.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify three examples of a mental health problem that Tony Stark encountered

2. Apply an example of Tony Stark’s struggle to a real-life situation that may arise in a therapeutic setting.

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