The Quest for Meaning: The Therapeutic Parallels of Journey

This presentation will seek to explore multiple theoretical and conceptual applications of the counseling dynamic in the found meaning.

About this Event

Upon completion of this training, the individual is awarded one(1) APA/NBCC CE Hour of Completion.

The narrative context of our journey as a clinician can be reflected in our desire to help people from all walks of life. Videogames can represent a reflection of the human spirit across many contexts as we seek to explain our drive to triumph in ways that matter to ourselves and those around us. Certain videogames explore the quest for meaning in ways that manifest in the theories and approaches we expect to experience when working with a mental health counselor. For clinicians, these games have a similar meaning potential by describing the way we quest alongside our clients to find the greatest of life’s improvements in their journey. This presentation will seek to explore multiple theoretical and conceptual applications of the counseling dynamic in the meaning found during the play of the game Journey.

Learning Objectives:

1. Compare 3 clinical theories to meanings found across videogames and genre storytelling.


2. Demonstrate the importance of understanding the narrative context of an individual on their experiences across the process of receiving clinical services from initiation to termination.


3. Identify two strategies for applying existential understanding to metaphorical stories with real-life parallels such as those found in video games.

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